My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.
Despite apologies, Imus critics reveal true motives
Note: This post was scheduled to be published tomorrow morning, but after learning via that Imus has now been suspended for two weeks, I’m posting it now. Last week on his radio show, Imus in the Morning, host Don Imus made some cruel, stupid, and insensitive comments regarding the Rutgers University Women’s basketball team.…
I’m taking a break from RSS
I’m taking a (nearly) one-month hiatus from reading any RSS feeds. I’ll come back to Google Reader on May 1st, mark all items read, and go from there!
NBC to enhance its online video offerings
Good news for the continuing un-harnesing of network television: NBC has announced it will both expand its online video platform, and in a big finally! move, it will make its video player embeddable. This move is a big step for a major network…it turns the tide from complaining against services like YouTube, and begins challenging…
In memory of Cathy Seipp
Cathy Seipp, a writer whom I admire both for the reach of her work and of her self, has passed away after a courageous battle with cancer. She will be fondly remembered. UPDATE: I wrote the above post yesterday after reflecting on the many people commenting on Cathy’s condition. To my deep regret, I inadvertently…
Twitter: a fad, not the future of all blogging
I am coming out, for the record, against the increasingly popular social networking tool Twitter. If you’re not familiar with it, Twitter is a relatively new web-based service headed by Evan Williams, a founder of pioneering blog engine Blogger. The concept behind Twitter is that you keep in touch with friends– and fans– by posting…
Movies we’ve seen recently
Some movies we’ve seen recently, with links, ratings, and brief comments. The Illusionist – 4 out of 5 stars – An excellent, thoroughly riveting (if predictable) movie about a misunderstood magician that proved to be genuinely satisfying in its conclusion without being trite or needlessly confounding. And of course, Ed Norton and Paul Giamatti were…
links for 2007-02-28
iPod-Ready Decks (tags: audio car)
New mobile version
Last fall, I released a mobile version of this very site. At the time, I wanted something quick, so I used a third-party RSS-to-HTML service, FeedDigest, to port my blog’s feed back into a stripped-down HTML page. As I wrote back then, I knew there was a better way. Here’s what I wanted to implement…
links for 2007-02-26
SPDBooks (tags: books writing publishing smallpress)
Random thoughts on baseball and RSS
* A quote that appeared on my Google homepage quotes widget: “No matter what side of the argument you are on, you always find people on your side that you wish were on the other.” –Jascha Heifetz * Former Red Sox closer Keith Foulke is retiring from baseball at age 34. Foulke said some dumb…