My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.
Adholes and the lessons of corporate indifference
The laughably awful advertising industry website Adholes, which has declined steadily in terms of reach and influence over recent years, has taken another sad step on its way to irrelevancy by publicly calling me (and by extension other customers experiencing this issue) an “idiot” on their corporate website. Not since CBS News hoisted fake documents…
Copeland challenges Calacanis: $10k for blogosphere’s true money leader
Well-known and outspoken entrepreneur Jason Calacanis, founder of blog network Weblogs, Inc (now a part of AOL), has walked into a potential mea culpa by publicly challenging Blogads, one of the blog world’s earliest franchises. On technology blog Valleywag, Mr. Calacanis was asked about rumors he was planning to compete against Blogads, arguably the largest…
Dutson on NECN tonight
TiVo alert: If you live in New England, tune in to regional news network NECN tonight from 8-8:30pm to catch Chet Curtis interview Lance Dutson about Lance’s coverage of the recent Libby trial. NECN is pretty good about putting up video of their segments; if they have some of Lance I’ll link it later on.…
eBay membership anniversary
I have now been an eBay member for 7 years.
Ascent Amnesia
Ascent Amnesia: When somebody rising to power suddenly forgets that power is cyclical.
links for 2007-02-15
Convert your CD collection to MP3 – Lifehacker (tags: music mp3 converting conversion simplify) CD Ripping Services Compared – Guides by Digital Trends (tags: mp3 music audio library ripping cds conversion converting)
links for 2007-02-14
Buxfer: Track Your Money (tags: business finances financial money tools) Download NoClone Remove duplicates in your MP3 library with NoClone. (tags: music tools utilities)
links for 2007-02-13
MediaMonkey Free MP3 Jukebox Player, Music Library Organizer (tags: audio lifehacks) JungleDisk – Reliable online storage powered by Amazon S3™ (tags: backup amazon online software tools web)
links for 2007-02-12 PDFCreator (tags: pdf tools software) Dalton Highway 4 on Flickr – Photo Sharing! (tags: photos alaska highway”)
Thanks for the link
Thanks to MaineToday for adding this site to their list of local Maine blogs!