
My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.


  • “Here’s what I saw today…”

    "Here’s what I saw today…", originally uploaded by jgclarke.

  • Recently on

    Me too! But why so many !'s? RT @thetwodads: REALLY WANT A BOWL OF PEANUT BUTTER CRACKERS!!!!!!!1 # Just paid $3 for TWO replacement USB cables for iPhone. At that price, it doesn't matter to me if they turn out to be junk. # Perusing Netflix for hilarious/awesome movie posters- just found another instant classic:…

  • A day in Acadia

    A day in Acadia, originally uploaded by jgclarke. At Bear Brook for lunch.

  • Recently on

    In a pinch, a valid Macgruber costume can consist of a mullet and complete nudity, and nothing else. # Trying to find a mullet wig for the opening nite of MACGRUBER this Friday…I alrdy have all the other pieces necessary for the MCG 'stume. # Recent issue of Cook's Illustrated has some great advice for…

  • Apple cinamon s’mores

    Apple cinamon s’mores, originally uploaded by jgclarke. First s’mores of the season, with a twist. Also grilled some corn!

  • links for 2010-05-15

    Tour of Features · Unify Inline web content management…looks interesting. (tags: tech web shared) John Goodman's Prediction Coming True (tags: shared)

  • Recently on

    "I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers." – Ghandi. # Got a meeting to pitch my talk show concept "Aniston on Aniston" to another cable net. Have hired extra security to keep Mike White off set. # What's the deal with this babyfood diet that some celebrities are on? I thought Keith…

  • links for 2010-05-14

    Tyler Cowen's appetite for ethnic food — and answers about his life Washington Post profiles Tyler Cowen (tags: shared thoughts) David DeSandro (tags: web)

  • Cookies and lemonade

    Cookies and lemonade, originally uploaded by jgclarke. Homemade and delivered to us by young friends of the company.

  • Recently on

    Pitched my talk show concept, "Aniston on Aniston", but Bravo rejected it. Apparently they expected Jennifer Aniston would be involved. # Tried to get a @moviedate going with @heididove for the weekend, but nothing looks good! What up w that, 2nd weekend of the summer season!? # Hummus is ketchup for hippies. # Pre-bed 'Fawlty…