My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.
Wallace comes out swinging
This may be a Republican debate on FoxNews, but Chris Wallace is pulling no punches at the outset. So far, he’s asked three tough, personalized questions, first to Romney, then to Giuliani, and now to McCain. All three have shot back with solid answers- Huckabee is up now, though with a softer challenge.
Debate is a go
The debate is on…the media room here is about halfway full, the sound is blaring, and the first question is about Fred Thompson. Thompson is getting earned media from the candidates without even needing to appear. Brownback just tried to land a punch on Thompson, but it was McCain’s remark (“maybe we’re up past [Thompson’s]…
Live from the Republican debate in New Hampshire
Back from a long blog vacation, I’m live from the Republican Presidential debate here in Durham, New Hampshire on the campus of the University of New Hampshire. With me in the media room two hours before the start of the debate is my friend Lance Dutson of Maine Web Report. We’ll be here all night,…
Portland Press Herald mention
Yes, I did return from my blog vacation just to post a self-referential link! Seriously though- thanks to Justin Ellis, who wrote a great article introducing the citizen journalism landscape- not just in Maine but nationwide- for the Portland Press Herald a couple weeks back. I get a brief mention, along with a couple of…
Quick hits during summer vacation 2007
While I’ve been on vacation from the blogosphere, here are some quick hits: * re-designed over this past weekend. There are many fine touches, but I continue to be blown away by how low of a priority video is to big news sites. While the new places video above the fold, they’re only…
Congrats to Lance Dutson- and the Collins campaign
Congratulations to my friend and occasional co-conspirator Lance Dutson, who announced today he’s taking a job as Director of Internet Strategy for Maine Senator Susan Collins’ re-election campaign. As I can attest but many already know, Lance is razor-sharp and as forward on the curve as anybody I’ve met when it comes to seeing, exploring,…
Memorial day 2007
If you;’re out and about today, have a safe and happy Memorial Day. And please don’t forget what Memorial Day is all about, and take time to honor the men and women of our armed services who have given their lives for all of us.
National prizes honor Maine journalists
Congratulations to two Maine journalists for recently winning two significant national honors: Richard Anderson, publisher of Village Soup, has been awarded a Knight Foundation grant for $885,000 to take the platform and technology behind the VillageSoup websites and make them open-source. Alicia Anstead, a Bangor Daily News columnist, has been awarded a Nieman Fellowship to…
In significant ways, Fred Thompson video challenges the status quo
Many blogs have already noted Tuesday’s amazingly quick, and quick-witted, video response by Senator Fred Thompson to the re-surfaced Michael Moore’s open letter. Fred Thompson answers Michael Moore. Blogger Bob Krumm said it best when he argued that Senator Thompson’s response speed could be a powerful factor should he decide to run, particularly compared to…
Exclusive: Bangor daily paper preps its entry into citizen’s journalism landscape
Following several recent efforts to create a more interactive website, the Bangor Daily News is on the verge of launching a new user-generated content section, has learned. “We are launching a brand new community publishing platform”, Online Services Manager Tim Archambault said in an email interview. He gives the timetable for the launch as…