
My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.


  • How I Met Your Mother renewed for season 3!

    Photo: The cast of How I Met Your Mother CBS has just announced that one of the two best shows on television, HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER, has been renewed for a third season! Congrats to the entire crew and cast. Looking forward to seeing what happens next year.

  • One amazing video

    Below is one of the most amazing videos I’ve seen in quite some time. The backstory: Potential presidential candidate Fred Thompson recently criticized Michael Moore’s trip to Cuba. Today, Moore fired back with a challenge to debate Senator Thompson on healthcare issues. Just a few hours later, Thompson posted this brilliant, devestating reply to,…

  • My 4th blogiversary

    This is the fourth anniversary of this blog! Here’s the first post. I hope to compile some basic stats on this site’s history and share them here soon.

  • The Maine Edge explains RSS

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    In this week’s issue of The Maine Edge, Tekk columnist Justin Russell explains RSS and how it can help you browse the web smarter: If you’re a seasoned Web traveler, there’s a good chance you’ve developed a standard routine over time. Your daily site checks may lead you to your favorite news sites, stock quotes,…

  • Presenting The Living Well Report!

    Are you a person? Do you enjoy food? If so, I cordially invite you to visit a new site I’m proud to announce: The Living Well Report. The Living Well Report is a blog devoted, essentially, to delicious and healthy food. My wife Heidi cooks some awesome things usually with organic and/or natural ingredients and…

  • I’m testing a new Nikon D80

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    As mentioned by other bloggers, I am participating in a new blogger outreach program courtesy of Nikon USA and a PR firm, MWW Group. Nikon has loaned me a Nikon D80 digital SLR camera for a six month period beginning Thursday, when I received the camera and a lens (along with standard accessories and a…

  • New header image

    If you’re reading this site via RSS, take a second and check out the new header image. It’s a shot I took last spring at the Orono Bog Walk. It replaces the traditional winter/spring image of fireworks over Hong Kong. Flashback: Almost a year ago, the fireworks header was replaced by a shot from a…

  • New project in the pipeline

    If you follow my Flickr photos, you may have noticed a recent uptick in the amount of food photos we’re posting to our Good Food set. This is all in preparation for a new project I’m working on that I hope to take the lid off over the next couple of weeks. Here’s a preview.

  • Now auto-detecting Windows Mobile devices

    If you visit this site from a compliant mobile device, you’ll now be automatically re-directed to the mobile version of I’m still working out some kinks in my mobile version (permalinks are not mobile-friendly yet), and of course I also need to add auto-redirection for other mobile devices. But overall I’m glad to be…

  • Blogging doesn’t need- and shouldn’t have- a code of conduct


    Tim O’Reilly, owner of O’Reilly Media, recently proposed a blogging code of conduct in light of recent threats against blogger Kathy Sierra and the ensuing controversy that arose around the discussion of those threats. While this is obviously a move born of positive intentions, I think that a blogging code of conduct is a terribly…