
My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.


  • links for 2007-02-09

    SkypeGarage/SkypeForWindowsExperimental/HighQualityVideoCalls – Skype Developer Zone (tags: tips software tutorial cool video reference howto hacks skype)

  • Dutson continues to cover the Libby Trial


    Lance Dutson continues his detailed, personalized coverage of the Scooter Libby Trial at his blog, Maine Web Report.

  • As blogging comes of age, growing pains persist

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    A few comments on the latest political/blog scandal. First, some background. This time around, liberal blogger Amanda Marcotte, recently hired to run presidential candidate John Edwards’ campaign blog, is being criticized for a variety of blog posts she’s written at her personal site, Pandagon. As to be expected, liberal bloggers are rising to her defense,…

  • Bridie Clark’s ‘Because She Can’ is now on sale

    Congratulations to my friend Bridie Clark, whose book Because She Can is available in bookstores today! Because She Can is a fun, funny, revealing look at a young woman who takes on a hellish boss, a hectic industry, and…well, you’ll have to read it to find out! Learn about the book and more at Bridie’s…

  • links for 2007-02-03

    Picnik – edit photos the easy way, online in your browser (tags: editing graphics images)

  • Welcome to The Maine Edge

    Welcome to a new alternative weekly publication in my local area: it’s called The Maine Edge, and it covers arts, technology, sports and more in Bangor, surrounding communities, and nationwide. I like the upbeat, positive tone and the coverage seems to be pretty competitive in terms of not just trodding the same ground as our…

  • links for 2007-01-29

    Snipshot: Edit pictures online (tags: images editing graphics tools)

  • links for 2007-01-26

    Path to Freedom (tags: ecology interesting)

  • links for 2007-01-25

    McCain’s Mitt strategy – The Boston Globe (tags: politics race08)

  • My NFL picks for the 2007 SuperBowl

    We’re nearing the end of this year’s NFL pool. Last week: I went 0-2. Playoffs overall: 6-4, good for 60%. Next week: a complete round-up, with charts and graphs! My SuperBowl pick: CHI vs IND: Chicago