My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.
links for 2007-01-22 KidSmart Vocal Smoke Detector: Electronics (tags: kids tech)
Yes, it’s cold out here today (although it’s up to 18F right now)…so we’ve got a great big fire crackling here in our office.
links for 2007-01-21
Clicky Web Statistics, perfect for blogs | Clicky (tags: stats software blogging)
My NFL picks for playoffs round 3
So we’ve made it through 2 rounds of playoffs, and I just found out that I’m hopelessly behind in my pool. I’m 10 points behind my brother-in-law at this stage, and with only 3 games left in the playoffs, I’ll only make up 6 of the 10 points needed for victory even if I get…
links for 2007-01-17
ABC News (tags: bloggers court mediabloggers)
Lance Dutson making history as credentialed blogger
Photo: John Patriquin for the Portland Press Herald Lance Dutson More great and well-deserved press for my friend Lance Dutson, who will be making history next week as one of the first ever bloggers credentialed to cover a federal court case. According to the Portland Press Herald, Lance will travel to D.C. next week to…
My new short story: an experiment in self-publishing
As you may have noticed, I have a new short story out, and I want to tell you all about it. It’s called “A Hard Word to Pronounce”, and it’s about a young twenty-ish guy on the day of his best friend’s wedding. Because it’s a short story- and not a novel, or collection- I’m…
My NFL picks for playoffs round 2
Here we are at playoffs, week 2! Last week saw some great games, particularly Seattle over Dallas and of course, my New England Patriots defeating the Jets. I like Pennington, so it’s a tiny bit of a shame to see him lose…so let’s hope he finds a home with a team that doesn’t choke against…
This week on Maine Impact: Maine’s alternative media
Thanks to my friend Lance Dutson, who is keeping things active over at Maine Impact while I’m spending time with family. In this week’s episode, Lance has a lengthy conversation with Jeff Inglis, editor of The Portland Phoenix newspaper. We’ve talked about blogs, we’ve talked about the mainstream media, and this time, Lance and Jeff…