My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.
Message to the Young Man
A few months ago, my wife noticed this simple, beautiful and a little bit sad classified ad, and I impulsively snapped a photo of it. When I’m looking through photos, it’s still one that I stop to read, especially when I want a smile or reminder of the good, and whimsy, of the people around…
From Hammond to Rannazzisi (and more)
Getting tickets to see Steve Rannazzisi (he might hate this, but you likely know him as Kevin on The League) tonight got me thinking about the other comics I’ve seen perform live. Below, a list with approximate dates.
Empathy: The Secret Ingredient in WordPress Work, Development, and Success
Today at the first inaugural WordCamp Maine, I presented a talk with the title “Empathy: The Secret Ingredient in WordPress Development, Work, and Success.” Below, my slides, along with notes and additional info. I’d love to hear your feedback or ideas — please leave them in the comments or on Twitter! Talk: Notes: Slide 3:…
“If do right…No can defend.” – Miyagi
Top 10 favorite comics
The Sunday comics are a big deal in our house, and while we love the overall experience of reading the entire comics, a discussion about our favorites quickly turned into three of us building our own “Top 10 favorites” list. Here’s my list — this isn’t exhaustive, as it only represents the comics available in our…
pre://d.o.mai.n: The Interview, Part 2
With his sci-fi thriller pre://do.mai.n, author Christopher Godsoe isn’t interested in painting a dystopian vision for the future — society as we know it can be ugly enough. That is, until you’re prepared to fight for it. In part 2 of this wide-ranging interview, Chris talks about his influences as a writer and his experiences…
pre://d.o.mai.n: The Interview, Part 1
With his sci-fi thriller pre://do.mai.n, author Christopher Godsoe isn’t interested in painting a dystopian vision for the future — society as we know it can be ugly enough. That is, until you’re prepared to fight for it. In this wide-ranging interview, Chris expands on the themes in the book, considers the implications of technology’s march…
In a pre://d.o.mai.n world, like our own, “Dreams Are Born From Experience”
With his sci-fi thriller pre://do.mai.n, author Christopher Godsoe isn’t interested in painting a dystopian vision for the future — society as we know it can be ugly enough. That is, until you’re prepared to fight for it. pre://d.o.mai.n • By Christoper Godsoe • 395pp • Released December 2nd, 2013 Note: This is my first in…
New: Zoom Shots focuses in on makers, their work, and their process
When my friend, author Chris Godsoe, offered up review copies of his new book pre://d.o.mai.n (available on and today!), I jumped at the chance to get an advance peek at the book and support an author. At the same time, I figured it might be a good chance to tweak my always-in-progress site,…
Techonomy Detroit 2013