
My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.


  • Random problems with Flickr feeds and Bloglines?

    I’m back from the holiday inspired, turkey-induced blog hiatus with a quick question before I drop some longer-form posts…what is up with Flickr’s RSS feeds in Bloglines? Flickr photo feeds are NOT working for me in Bloglines, to say the least…photos are just plain not showing up, while others’ feeds suddenly show 10 new items…except…

  • Happy Thanksgiving

    Xmas lights at night, originally uploaded by jgclarke. A shot of our house on Thanksgiving eve, also the first snow of the year. We’ll have more lights to come this weekend. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, wherever you are.

  • WordPress hosted blog service goes public

    , ,, the hosted blog service developed by the WordPress team (the gears running this site), is now out of private beta and is public. I’ve been using the service for about two weeks now (but I’ve only posted to once so far, to my detriment). My reaction is split down the middle, as I stated…

  • So now you know

    For a long time I’ve been drastically private on this site about writing-related matters. While the debate about private vs. public on a blog carries on, I’m in a bit of a writer’s block/rut so I’m taking the easy way and out being slightly transparent in an effort to jab myself with some possible new…

  • More on Measure Map: a useless, but fun, feature request

    My review of Measure Map generated two comments. One was by Jeffrey Veen, a partner in Adaptive Path, the consulting firm that built and is launching Measure Map. Rather than reply to Jeff’s comment with my own comment (which would bury the conversation down a layer) or reply to him with an email (which would…

  • Congrats to two of my co-workers, Ron and Jeremy, for becoming Zend Certified PHP developers. They’re now two of less than 300 PHP programmers nationwide with that distinction, and they both work for our company.

  • Updated my RSS feed

    I’ve got a new address for my RSS feed: RSS ( Please grab this updated feed address if you subscribe to my feed.

  • Some first impressions on Measure Map

    Measure Map is a new blog stats (really, analytics) tool developed by usability consulting firm Adaptive Path and currently in private alpha mode for the time being. (Whoah- will alpha become the new beta?) By entering you email address at the service’s homepage,, you’ll be added to the waiting list to receive an invitation…

  • The Blogging Heads monitor Technorati

    I’m incredibly honored that Mickey Kaus and Robert Wright, the 3-D, Max Hedrom-esque Blogging Heads, linked to my recent post praising their new videoblogging venture, Mickey’s kausfiles is one of my earliest inspirations towards working and writing on the web (remember when Kaus’ paragraph-style blogroll called Wright’s Non-Zero “fab big think”?). Now it’s a…

  • Yes, it’s true…

    Now that I’m not using post titles all the time, I need to add a permanent link icon to each post. Working on that now… UPDATE: I added a bolded link labeled…wait for it…”LINK” at the footer of each post. That way, the world still gets a permalink if I don’t title a post.