
My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.


  • Credit where it’s due

    During the summer I made much hay about being disgusted with Technorati’s absymal level of service, uptime, and results. It’s only fair, then, to note that in my own anecdotal experience I’ve noticed a signifigant improvement in Technorati’s service over the past few weeks. Congrats to Technorati for listening and responding to the complaints of…

  • This is really cool: Mickey Kaus and Robert Wright have launched a new site called (a take-off on “talking heads”, hehe). It’s a video blog of sorts, with Wright on the left side of the video and Kaus on the right. The unique part: Both men are sitting in (apparently) their own separate offices,…

  • An idea for Steve Rubel

    Steve Rubel is what I like to call “a blogger’s blogger”- among other reasons are his long series of posts about how to extend/improve your blogging/online geek experience. So, here’s an idea for Steve, a post I’d like to see him write: “How to maintain multiple blogs” Now that Steve is maintaining not just his…

  • Coudal’s “Copy Goes Here” short film released

    If you have 11 spare minutes, I highly recommend you click over to Coudal Partners site to view their new short film, Copy Goes Here. It’s pretty darn good!

  • Shame on The New York Times

    “I don

  • Please, get well

    Steve Rubel has been a great read for many months now. His blog, Micropersuasion, has served as an invaluable guide to the ascention of blogging as a mainstream promotional tool, Web 2.0, RSS, and much more. Today, Steve announced that he has skin cancer. Ever the blogger, Steve plans to write about his experiences publicly…

  • If you like TV theme songs…

    Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: The most important and awesome site in the history of the internet. (Via Kottke) UPDATE: More!

  • Help with a bit of easy SQL!

    Hey, prepare for a bleg: I’m looking for an SQL pro to give me a hand with a bit of a tricky sql statement. An gift certificate for $10 (I know, big bucks!) goes to whoever can successfully help me with this issue. Here’s the deal: I’ve got 3 tables in my database- users,…

  • Brightcove: Please update your site!

    New web-based video service enabler Brightcove, founded by one of my favorite web pioneers, Jeremy Allaire, is making a drastic mistake as it launches: for me atleast, its site’s main navigation is completely broken in my version of Firefox. Not to mention, the entire site is one big flash file. Yikes, but as much as…

  • Weblogs, Inc. bought by AOL!

    Just as I was editing my long post on “2005: the year of the buyout!”, I learned that Weblogs, Inc. has been bought by AOL. Holy crap!!