My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.
Tales of brand extension
The other day, I was grocery shopping with the fam when a sudden urge struck me: I wanted to buy Wheaties– you know, the classic bran breakfast cereal- but, strangely, I was craving Wheaties not in its traditional flake format, but rather in a new, exciting delivery method: I wanted my Wheaties in the form…
Two minor issues with WordPress 1.5
I love WordPress, but I have two minor issues: 1. Let me add categories from within the Write Post page. This could be done relatively easy by Ajax, right? Or something less trendy? Whatever works, gang. But as categories (and bloggers) migrate more towards tagging, I for one often find myself saving a finished post…
The Nashville blogging scene is pretty cool
One of the best parts of attending BlogNashville was that I came away reading about 10 or so new blogs, at least 4 of them Nashville locals. Two of my favorites after a fortnight: Tim Morgan Saucy Librarian UPDATE: Welcome Nashvilleians, and thanks Brittney (even though you made fun of me twice in two days,…
Professional ad blogger: frequency, professional design matter
B.L. Ochman (one of the many fine folks I had the pleasure of meeting in Nashville last weekend) has begun an interview series on her blog, whatsnext. First up is Adrants Steve Hall, who says, among other things, that frequency matters when blogging professionally: Hall posts 12 to 15 times a day. He doesn’t have…
People who should be blogging, volume 1
An unfinished list of people who I wish would start blogging* (because they’d be good, fun, and/or interesting doing it): * I had a certain Food Network host here, but I had to remove her because I was bombarded with Google image searches for her. Sorry, RR! *Cousin Sal, that fat, annoying idiot from Jimmy…
My apartment is infested with koala bears. It’s the cutest infestation ever. Way better than cockroaches. When I turn on the light a bunch of koala bears scatter. But I don’t want ’em to, you know, I’m like “Hey, hold on, fellas. Let me hold one of you…and feed you a leaf.” –Mitch Hedberg, 1968-2005.…
Don’t F with Cox
If you’re a member of the mainstream media, here’s a newsflash: Don’t F with Bob Cox. Here’s the original reason. Here’s the latest reason.
The Nashville Scene on BlogNash
Here’s Brittney Gilbert’s long, interesting Nashville Scene cover story on BlogNashville.
Thank you, Mark!
Mark Glaser, one of the best writers out there covering the web/blogging beat, has posted a great wrap-up of BlogNashville over at OJR. Glaser summarizes the key points coming out of the conference by offering up a list of “Seven big ideas (and one pet peeve)”…and lo and behold, the list includes one item created…