My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.
Final thoughts on BlogNashville
Now that BlogNashville is in the rear-view mirror, I have two final thoughts. My first comment is a big yee haw! If you click the fuzzy picture up top here, you’ll see a full-size screenshot of Blogdex, a service that essentially takes a snapshot of the most popular links around the blogosphere on a given…
Just checking
Everybody knows that I re-launched this site without finishing it, right? That it’s got tons and tons of bugs and kinks that need to be worked out? Okay, just checking.
Paperback out
The paperback edition of Michael Moore Is A Big Fat Stupid White Man– the book I co-wrote with David T. Hardy– is now available online and at your local bookseller! Learn more about the book Order from Amazon Find a local bookstore
Holy cow
Hugh McLeod’s “why corporate blogging works” is a revealtory post. it’s practically a treatise.
Dang, that’s a nice site!
Via Glenn, we learn that Tennessee Governor Phil Bresden is now blogging at his state’s official website, (Too bad they didn’t call it, right?). A couple of thoughts on this: * Did Bill Hobbs get Gov. Bresden blogging? Or was it his state’s larger (and surprisingly larger) blogging community that got him started?…
Winer UNleads a BlogNashville session
During the final track of BlogNashville today- in a session titled “A Respectful Disagreement” – Dave Winer combined with cartoonist John Cox and a few others to create what became, at times, quite a contentious, un-respectful discussion. Near the middle of the frequently awkward hour and forty-five minutes- after a couple of flare ups- Dave…
Off to BlogNashville
I’m headed down to BlogNashville– if you’re going, be sure to stop over and say hello.
This is a test post from , a fancy photo sharing thing.
Under construction
Yep, there’s still a ton of things I have left to do to this site. * Add RSS subscribe buttons to the sidebar * Add my links to the sidebar * Test on other platforms * Re-format photos page * Add links to links page * Add Fiql RSS to feeds list in sidebar?