My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.
Weblogs, Inc. network now serving ads within RSS feeds
Reading through my RSS inbox today, I noticed that Tom Biro’s excellent AdJab– a member of the Weblogs, Inc. network- is sporting Google’s all-new AdSense-In-RSS feature. A quick check at Jason Calacanis’ (Weblogs, Inc. founder) blog revealed that the entire Weblogs, Inc. network- more than 70 blogs- is now one of the earliest adopters of…
What’s in your Firefox?
After reading this post at 90% Crud, I thought I’d join the fray and post what’s on my Firefox extensions menu. Here goes:
BlogNasvhille in the news
I’m happy to see BlogNashville in the press again– this time it’s the Knoxville News Sentinel on the beat.
Brilliant TV ad
I’m blown away: this is the best tv ad I’ve seen in quite some time. And guess what? It’s not even a “real” ad- yet.
When favorites converge
In this week’s Entertainment Weekly, one of my favorite writers, Stephen King, reviews the new Jimmy Fallon romantic sports comedy Fever Pitch– adapted for the screen from a book by another one of my favorite writers and directed by my favorite filmmakers. The plot of the movie? It’s a chronicle of the highs and lows…
More on blog advertising
Jessica Mintz has a great article in today’s WSJ on blog advertising.
A sneek peak at Odeo
Jason Calacanis sat in on a presentation and gives a long, interesting report on the new Odeo “podcasting portal” (my phrase) coming soon from Blogger co-creator Evan Williams and others. Update: Much more on the tag ‘odeo’. Another update: Make magazine has photos, including some screens from the Odeo site/app.
More from Blogads founder Henry Copeland
John Hawkins at RightWingNews interviews Henry Copeland of Blogads. See my interview (conducted a few weeks ago) with Henry right here.
Do online ad numbers seem almost too good?
Whoah…According to this item on AdJab, AOL has “clarified” an earlier statement it made regarding its estimates for ad revenue this year. Still, rather than planning to exceed industry growth, they now say all they’ll do is meet growth. Not bad considering current industry estimates predict that online ad rev will grow 20-25% in 2005!