My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.
Date night dinner
Last Friday was a bittersweet day for me, as I walked out of RainStorm world headquarters for the final time after 8 years of working/playing there. If you haven’t heard of them, it’s a group of people that does great work with some willing clients. For my part, I often didn’t log my time under…
Fresh raspberries from the backyard
Advances in fast food
Crazy cool drink machine at BK- pick from so many flavors of Hi-C
Napping in front of the fan on his box
Camp life
Summer sandwich
Bridge adventures
Running out of room on the ticket board