
Review: Thermos Nissan

Several months ago, I was contacted by online kitchen tool retailer The Gourmet Kitchen. They offered me to choose any model Thermos from their online store,, to test and then review here on my site. After some deliberation- there are a lot of different Thermos models, I will say that- I chose the Thermos […]

Some movies we’ve enjoyed lately

We gave up on the summer of junky movies and turned to Blockbuster’s cheapest DVD rental plan instead. For just $8/month, we get two movies delivered and 2 more in-store rentals for free. Thankfully, we’ve uncovered some real gems using the service lately. Here’s a rundown: Brick – 3 1/2 out of 5 – Joseph

This weekend

* We watched Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. My vote: *** out of 4 stars. Funny, hilarious in places, and slick overall. I am deepy disturbed that they cut my favorite line from the trailer – “I can’t lower my heart rate; I’ve got a cougar on me!” – from the feature film.

I can’t lower my heart rate! I’ve got a cougar on me!

The best movie I’ve seen so far this summer is Taladega Nights: The Ballad of Rick Bobby. Wait, you say! That movie won’t even be in theaters until August 4th! How did a lowly commoner like me see it? Well, to be completely honest, I haven’t seen the whole movie…just some funny bits via the

The ‘Code’ movie is not for ‘DaVinci’ book lovers

Despite (or perhaps, due to) my high hopes, I thought The DaVinci Code movie was a long, boring, overwraught, and entirely lame screen incarnation of the book. I love Audrey Tatou– Ameilie is on my Top 10 All-Time list- and I really like Tom Hanks, Paul Bettany, Jean Reno, and Alfred Molina; but despite that

Book review: ‘An Army of Davids’ is already marching

“A return to some sort of balance, in which the world looks a bit more like the eighteenth century than the twentieth, is likely to be a good thing.” So says Glenn Reynolds, perhaps better known as InstaPundit, in the conclusion of his new book, An Army of Davids (view it on While that