
My Notion wishlist, March 2023

I love and use Notion throughout my day to manage my personal tasks and goals, keep a journal, and much more. As a daily user and big fan, I’ve been building a wishlist of improvements I’d love to see Notion implement in 2023. Since I built my own personal Notion journal/task/goal tracker system in January […]

7 things to look for on the web in 2006

Happy New Year! I have some humble predictions for the biggest themes, trends, and ideas on the web in 2006. I’ve got seven items here because the arbitrary concept of posting either 10 or 5 seemed pointless. A list either too long or too short would’ve been diminished by the inclusion of ideas either made

Idea factory: integrated bittorrent search

OLSTM (one-line summary): a bittorrent client that includes an integreated search box. Here’s one way it could work: A user downloads a bittorrent client that includes an integrated torrent file search box. As the user, you can specify one, or a series, of URLs to pre-load the search with. The software’s maker could also choose