
The Blogging Heads monitor Technorati

I’m incredibly honored that Mickey Kaus and Robert Wright, the 3-D, Max Hedrom-esque Blogging Heads, linked to my recent post praising their new videoblogging venture, Mickey’s kausfiles is one of my earliest inspirations towards working and writing on the web (remember when Kaus’ paragraph-style blogroll called Wright’s Non-Zero “fab big think”?). Now it’s a

Credit where it’s due

During the summer I made much hay about being disgusted with Technorati’s absymal level of service, uptime, and results. It’s only fair, then, to note that in my own anecdotal experience I’ve noticed a signifigant improvement in Technorati’s service over the past few weeks. Congrats to Technorati for listening and responding to the complaints of

This is really cool: Mickey Kaus and Robert Wright have launched a new site called (a take-off on “talking heads”, hehe). It’s a video blog of sorts, with Wright on the left side of the video and Kaus on the right. The unique part: Both men are sitting in (apparently) their own separate offices,

An idea for Steve Rubel

Steve Rubel is what I like to call “a blogger’s blogger”- among other reasons are his long series of posts about how to extend/improve your blogging/online geek experience. So, here’s an idea for Steve, a post I’d like to see him write: “How to maintain multiple blogs” Now that Steve is maintaining not just his

Please, get well

Steve Rubel has been a great read for many months now. His blog, Micropersuasion, has served as an invaluable guide to the ascention of blogging as a mainstream promotional tool, Web 2.0, RSS, and much more. Today, Steve announced that he has skin cancer. Ever the blogger, Steve plans to write about his experiences publicly

Technorati pays to be pinged first…so why are the still so sloooowww?

BusinessWeek’s Blogspotting reports that Technorati has struck “exclusive deals” with some blog utilities to be pinged first before any other services (such as or Pingomatic) are notified that your blog has been updated. So what? Is this a big deal? It might not be, except for the fact that despite this alleged advantage, Technorati


Step one: read this article by Ben Stein defending George Bush. Step two: If you are a blogger and you truly, seriously, honestly, blame George Bush for the hurricane, please call me and explain why. Check to make sure you’re sane first, because like most humans on earth I’m often quite busy. Because, see, I’m