The Maine Edge explains RSS
In this week’s issue of The Maine Edge, Tekk columnist Justin Russell explains RSS and how it can help you browse the web smarter: If you’re a seasoned Web traveler, there’s a good chance you’ve developed a standard routine over time. Your daily site checks may lead you to your favorite news sites, stock quotes,…
I’m taking a break from RSS
I’m taking a (nearly) one-month hiatus from reading any RSS feeds. I’ll come back to Google Reader on May 1st, mark all items read, and go from there!
Random thoughts on baseball and RSS
* A quote that appeared on my Google homepage quotes widget: “No matter what side of the argument you are on, you always find people on your side that you wish were on the other.” –Jascha Heifetz * Former Red Sox closer Keith Foulke is retiring from baseball at age 34. Foulke said some dumb…
Share your OPML…just not quite yet
Yesterday, many voices in the blogosphere reported that Dave Winer‘s new service Share Your OPML has launched. It’s a great first step towards tracking attention in the blogosphere, and I hope it leads more innovation in this space. The service is pretty straightforward. You simply export a list of RSS feeds from your RSS reader,…
Full-text RSS is mandatory around here
Now that my RSS reader has grown to include 139 feeds (I put an informal cap at 100 a few months ago), it’s time to do some pruning. As much as it pains me, I’m starting by usubscribing from all my feeds that are not full-text. The biggest loss for me in that department is…