
Guest Post: Top 10 Cooks, an alternate take

Editor’s Note: My recent post listing the definitive, authoritative list of the Top 5 Cooks from Too Many Cooks spurred my friend Evan Habeeb to submit his own list of the Top 10 Cooks. Without further adieu, Evan’s list of the Top 10 cooks, including commentary: 10. James White I want those reports on my desk […]

Top 5 Cooks

If you haven’t seen Too Many Cooks, the recent NSFW “Informercial” on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim, find 10 minutes and watch. Yes, it’s long, but it’s the rare video that’s definitely worth it. Then, come back here for the definitive list of the Top 5 cooks: 5. Will Dove 4. Ali Froid 3. Ken DeLozier 2.

From February 2006, Sir Ken Robinson talks about how our educational system strips the creativity from students. The video is thanks to the TED conference and their excellent policy of making their conference sessions available online. This is a must-watch.

In significant ways, Fred Thompson video challenges the status quo

Many blogs have already noted Tuesday’s amazingly quick, and quick-witted, video response by Senator Fred Thompson to the re-surfaced Michael Moore’s open letter. Fred Thompson answers Michael Moore. Blogger Bob Krumm said it best when he argued that Senator Thompson’s response speed could be a powerful factor should he decide to run, particularly compared to

2006 Best Tools of the Web

Following up on last year’s post, here are my picks for top 5 websites, tools, and/or services of 2006: 5. Dreamhost – I switched to this highly regarded web host in February, and haven’t looked back since, despite a series of public troubles during the summer. But if the measure of a company is how


Yikes! I’ve got 7 posts in my drafts folder in various stages of completeness. In lieu of finishing one or any of those up, I’m offering this video. I apologize in advance for the poor lighting in this video. I hope to improve the lighting for any future endeavors. Enjoy your Tuesday!