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My Notion wishlist, March 2023

I love and use Notion throughout my day to manage my personal tasks and goals, keep a journal, and much more. As a daily user and big fan, I’ve been building a wishlist of improvements I’d love to see Notion implement in 2023. Since I built my own personal Notion journal/task/goal tracker system in January

Open Letters I wish Taylor Swift would write to Apple

After the rousing success of Taylor Swift’s open letter to Apple last week, it made me think of several other open letters I wish she’d write to Apple: Dear Apple, Please Let Us Uninstall Weather, Watch, and most of your other default apps; Dear Apple, Can We Please Have OS-level integrations With Third-Party Apps Like

Guest Post: Top 10 Cooks, an alternate take

Editor’s Note: My recent post listing the definitive, authoritative list of the Top 5 Cooks from Too Many Cooks spurred my friend Evan Habeeb to submit his own list of the Top 10 Cooks. Without further adieu, Evan’s list of the Top 10 cooks, including commentary: 10. James White I want those reports on my desk

Top 5 Cooks

If you haven’t seen Too Many Cooks, the recent NSFW “Informercial” on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim, find 10 minutes and watch. Yes, it’s long, but it’s the rare video that’s definitely worth it. Then, come back here for the definitive list of the Top 5 cooks: 5. Will Dove 4. Ali Froid 3. Ken DeLozier 2.

Why the gdgt+AOL union is a rallying cry for the WordPress community

AOL sign at AOL Music Showcase

In my latest article on WP Daily, I talk about why the recent acquisition of tech site gdgt by AOL’s tech publishing arm might be bad news for WordPress in the enterprise: I’m suggesting that old, tired, and unfair “WordPress is for traditionally-formatted blogs” trope may still be a factor when online media properties choose their technology