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Refresh nearly complete…

If you visit via the old-fashioned web browser rather than through RSS, you have probably noticed a slight change in the design of the site. In fact, I think it’s a pretty signifigant upgrade, even if the site’s general structure is the same. Besides a complete re-write under the hood, the site is hopefully […]

Not gone, far from it

It’s been a long, stressful, and largely unhealthy holiday season for me and my fam, such that this blog has been the least of my concerns in this end-of-year shuffle. That said, I do have every energy and intention of writing here, and other places, in 2006. I’m not gone, and I’m not going away-

More on Christmas

Our tree is up (photos soon UPDATE: Photos here), yet with a two-year-old and a cat in the house, we’re not sure how long it will remain standing- it’s already been subject to some rambunctious shaking and jumping in just two days. We also added some more lights to the outside of the house (see

So now you know

For a long time I’ve been drastically private on this site about writing-related matters. While the debate about private vs. public on a blog carries on, I’m in a bit of a writer’s block/rut so I’m taking the easy way and out being slightly transparent in an effort to jab myself with some possible new

Updated my RSS feed

I’ve got a new address for my RSS feed: RSS ( Please grab this updated feed address if you subscribe to my feed.

Yes, it’s true…

Now that I’m not using post titles all the time, I need to add a permanent link icon to each post. Working on that now… UPDATE: I added a bolded link labeled…wait for it…”LINK” at the footer of each post. That way, the world still gets a permalink if I don’t title a post.

Help with a bit of easy SQL!

Hey, prepare for a bleg: I’m looking for an SQL pro to give me a hand with a bit of a tricky sql statement. An gift certificate for $10 (I know, big bucks!) goes to whoever can successfully help me with this issue. Here’s the deal: I’ve got 3 tables in my database- users,